“The landscape was artificial, and yet it couldn't be called a work of art. On the other hand, it did something for me that art had never done. At first I didn’t know what it was, but its effect was to liberate me from many of the views I had about art. It seemed that there had been a reality there that had not had any expression in art.”.

Robert Smithson

Eminent contemporary artists, in collaboration with TAE, created site-specific artworks nestled in the Mayan jungle of Yucatan, transforming natural landscapes, architecture, and the imagined into inhabited spaces. These spaces not only widen our perceptions and perspectives on reality but also serve as instruments for reflection, research, and creation.


(Glass/Turrell) (Laurie Anderson/Turrel) (Michael Nyman/Turrel)


(Art, Cosmology and Science)

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